So it's my last week here in Romania.
I can't believe how fast this month has gone by. I apologize for not updating my blog enough, but I can assure you that my time here has been more than I could have asked for.
I have to say that before coming to Romania I really wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. My attitude when I arrived probably wasn't the best, but my whole team was feeling similar. But after being here 3 weeks, I have fallen in love with the people here and this country.
God has allowed me to see these people how he sees them. I can just feel his heart for all of those who are lost in this place. And I am so thankful that he has been using me and my team to bring his light in such a dark place.
He really spoke to me on Saturday. Literally. You could almost say it was his audible voice.
Similar to the encounter I had with Him back in London, except this time in writing.
Every Saturday we have been helping out at a church here in Targu Mures. There are only about 5 people who attend but we were asked to lead the services. The pastor has been praying for revival in this church and he was so thankful for our team to come and share some of God's truth.
Anyway, I knew that God wanted me to speak to these people.
I spent some time on Friday praying for God to show me what he wanted me to speak.
Then he brought me to Luke chapter 15-The parable of the lost sheep.
I knew this was what I supposed to share, but I had no clue how relevant it would be for the people at the church. So for all night on Friday I was stressing about exactly what to say and all day on Saturday I was praying for God to tell me more.
At about 3:00 Saturday afternoon, I tried to organize how the service would go in my journal.
The only thing I had on the page was " The parable of the lost sheep"
And I just sat there looking at the page with my pen in my hand.
Then I began writing.
But I couldn't read what my hand was writing at first. It was very scribbly. And it was in cursive. I never write in cursive.
I wrote it again.
This time I saw what it said.
" Repent"
Okay God. You want me to talk to these people about repentance.
And then my hand wrote again...
"You repent"
Okay God. You want me to repent before I speak this message to your people.
But I don't know what to repent of.
Then my pen began writing again.
" Yesterday"...
as soon as I saw it said yesterday, chills ran over my body. I knew exactly what I had done. Then the writing continued.
" Yesterday you said you would never love anyone more than me".
I began to cry.
And God continued to write:
"You love your family"
"You love your friends"
"You love your music"
I then realized that I had put all of these things before God.
I fell to my knees and I cried out to God in repentance.
Then God wrote:
" You are beautiful.
You are smart.
You are talented.
You are loved by a lot of people.
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are loved."
Then he said:
"Give me control over tonight. Don't do anything"
I asked him, " So I don't have to prepare anything?"
He said "No. Trust me. Just relax and let me do the rest"
So I did exactly what he said.
I showed up to the church service at 5:00 without a clue as to what I would say. I just brought my bible and the words God had written in my journal just hours earlier.
I wasn't the slightest bit nervous. I knew God was about to share something special for these people and I knew I was obeying what he had told me to do.
I introduced myself and I told the people that I didn't do much preparation but that God had something he really wanted them to hear.
So I spoke. Every word that left my mouth was God's heart and his voice.
Afterwards, I sat back down in my seat and opened up my journal again and wrote,
"I'm so proud of you. I love you"
God had literally spoke to me and spoke through me to these people.
And Since Saturday night, God has been writing to me.
I can't begin to tell you how amazing it is to look at my journal and see God's writing. Him speaking directly to me.
I asked him last night why he chose to speak to me in this way and his response was:
"You are brave and not afraid. You allow me to speak."
I am just so thankful for what God has done this weekend and I'm excited for the remaining weeks I have left with this team.
But before I end this post, I just have to say that it is so important that when you make a promise to God or when you tell him you will do something, that you do it.
God keeps all of his promises, yet we are so quick to say one thing but do another.
And God wants us to love our family and our friends and our music. He put these things in our lives for us to enjoy. He just wants our hearts to be his. When that happens, everything else will fall into place.
God Bless you.
And thanks for reading.
- Makayla