I've been back in England for a week and half, and I can't say enough about how much I love it here. My team is now in Portsmouth, located on the southern coast of England. It's beautiful. I am staying with an incredible family of 4: Steve and Sonja Forde, with their two lovely daughters Emma(16) and Katy(18).And you can't forget their adorable dog Errol. He is a 15 year old chocolate labrador. I only have another week and half left with them until I head back to London for my DTS graduation. I can't believe I am nearing the end of this amazing journey. Our time in Portsmouth has been quite different than our time in Romania, but it's been refreshing to be helping out with the church here and the local community. Right now we are in the process of planning a Valentines disco dance for children ages 13 and under which will take place this Friday night. I'm helping with arts and activites that will take place on the night. It's a busy week, but I'm having such a fun time with this family and with my team. It's been refreshing for all of us. We have been sharing our experience from Romania with many people here and they are so inspired to have us helping and serving. It just feels so good to be sharing God and doing his work. I wake up every morning knowing that I am in the right place. I'm just so thankful. There is so much to say that I can't put into words, but I just wanted to give another brief update.
Please be praying for my remaining time here.
And please be praying for the Forde family. Steve in particular.He has some things going on with his heart, and I just know that God will restore what is lost and wipe away the fear that the enemy has put on their family. Last night God gave me a word for them. He said, "If you believe in me, then surely you believe in what I can do." I know that the God who raised Jesus from the dead is the same God that is living in me and in you. He is a God with no limits. He is a God whose love never fails. And a God who can do all things. And I believe that God has a plan for this family and a purpose for Steve's life.
Thanks for your support!
And thanks for reading.
Lots of love,
Oh, how I miss you!!!!!